How Long Do Air Conditioners Last

An air conditioner typically lasts between 10 and 15 years, but this might change depending on the unit's quality, usage, and maintenance. With the right maintenance and use, the lifespan of your air conditioner can be extended. You may save money and ensure your house is pleasant by knowing when to fix your unit.

An air conditioner typically lasts between 10 and 15 years, but this might change depending on the unit's quality, usage, and maintenance. With the right maintenance and use, the lifespan of your air conditioner can be extended. You may save money and ensure your house is pleasant by knowing when to fix your unit.

How Long Do Air Conditioners Last

Air conditioners typically survive between 10 and 15 years, depending on several factors. One of the most critical factors affecting an air conditioner's longevity is the unit's quality. High-quality air conditioners made by reputable manufacturers are built to last longer and often have longer warranties than models that are more affordable but of poorer quality.

Another factor that could reduce an air conditioner's lifespan is maintenance. Cleaning the air filter and coils as part of routine maintenance will help your appliance run more efficiently and prevent issues. Your air conditioner may perform less effectively, cost more to run, and last less time if maintenance is neglected.

How often an air conditioner is operated might also affect how long it lasts. Equipment that is used regularly or constantly will experience more wear and tear than equipment that is used infrequently. Severe weather conditions, such as long periods of high humidity or extreme heat, can also reduce the lifespan of an air conditioner.

Last but not least, an air conditioner may have to work harder than necessary if it is not properly sized for the room it is cooling, which could lead to earlier wear and tear and a shorter lifespan.

In summary

An air conditioner's lifespan normally lasts between 10 and 15 years, though this might change depending on the unit's quality, maintenance, frequency of usage, and sizing. Using and maintaining your air conditioner properly might help it last longer and ultimately cost you less money. If you believe that your air conditioner is getting close to the end of its useful life, you might want to start making arrangements for a replacement.